Tuesday, August 21, 2007

oh-eight twenty-one oh-seven

so much for mopping the turtleboy's room today.. i spent enough time cleaning the rest of the house, that i didn't get to his or the diva's room. but on the upside, the rest of the house is clean, and laundry is done.

i got a call from heather today, too, after i'd picked up the twins from school. she told me that she needed to find work, because the cost of the lawyer was just killing her, and what i paid her just wasn't enough to keep afloat since she doesn't watch any other kids now, either. i'm glad she told me the way she did.. she'd even found a replacement for me. we went for me to meet her at five-thirty, and let me tell you.. i love what i've seen of her place and her manner. so the twins will start being watched by her on monday. i just have to call the bus barn and let them know, and the school too, to change some contact information.

i'll have to start cooking again for them, though.. which means i'm going to have to get used to cooking big meals three times a week, or even a good meal once a day... but before i leave for work. i think i can do that. i mean, hell.. i'm going to be doing that while j is here, anyway, it'll just mean starting three-ish months before he gets here.

so that's today in a nutshell. i'm going to go nap for now, until it's time to bid j a good morning.

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